Rivals in Sport
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Rivals in Sport

Rivals in Sport

ISBN 978-0-9564525-0-4. Recommended Retail Price: £30.00 plus post and packing.

‘Rivals in Sport’ is probably the sharpest and certainly the broadest sports book ever published. Our 200-page, coffee-table epic will dazzle readers with fresh and exciting accounts of the titanic clashes that have emblazoned the back-pages of newspapers and captured the popular imagination. Read it. Re-live it!

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Golf the Rhyming Way

Golf - Learn to Play the Rhyming Way

ISBN 978-0-9564525-1-1. Recommended Retail Price: UK £5.00 plus post and packing.

‘Golf the Rhyming Way’ is a witty, eccentric players’ guide to amuse and educate golfers of all ages. Gary Ley’s quirky couplets and accompanying drawings simplify the complexities of The Swing to highlight the top tips for aspiring players and introduce an element of punny humour to take the dryness out of absorbing the tricky rules for the best swing. The perfect gift for any golfer.

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